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  1. Analytic and Exegetical Theology (MLitt)

    Addresses central themes in Christian thought. Students will carry out contemporary research in biblical exegesis, systematic theology, and analytic philosophy.

  2. Analytic and Exegetical Theology (MLitt)

    Addresses central themes in Christian thought. Students will carry out contemporary research in biblical exegesis, systematic theology, and analytic philosophy.

  3. Animal Behaviour (MSc)

    Provides an intellectual and practical overview of modern animal behaviour taught by leading researchers, utilising the latest techniques and research skills to explore key topics such as cognition, behavioural ecology, and biologging.

  4. Animal Behaviour (MSc)

    Provides an intellectual and practical overview of modern animal behaviour taught by leading researchers, utilising the latest techniques and research skills to explore key topics such as cognition, behavioural ecology, and biologging.

  5. Anthropology, Art and Perception (MRes)

    Taking perception and sensory experience as its starting point and drawing on themes from across the subject boundaries between art and anthropology, this course provides training for postgraduate research into the anthropology of human creativity and visual expression.

  6. Anthropology, Art and Perception (MRes)

    Taking perception as its starting point and drawing on themes from across the subject boundaries between art and anthropology, this course provides training for postgraduate research into the anthropology of human creativity and visual expression.

  7. Applied Statistics and Datamining (PGDip, MSc)

    This commercially relevant programme of study provides students with the statistical data analysis skills needed for business, commerce, and other applications.

  8. Applied Statistics and Datamining (PGDip/MSc)

    This commercially relevant programme of study provides students with the statistical data analysis skills needed for business, commerce, and other applications.

  9. Art History (MLitt)

    Offers a diverse range of subject areas, from medieval art and architecture to contemporary performance art, and addresses the major themes and concepts that connect different periods of art history. 

  10. Art History (MLitt)

    Offers a diverse range of subject areas, from medieval art and architecture to contemporary performance art, and addresses the major themes and concepts that connect different periods of art history.