
Wellbeing and mental health

University staff work collaboratively with students, offering both one-off, one-at-a-time appointments and ongoing support as appropriate.

Student Services delivers support through a matched care model that considers the individual needs of each student and evidence-based practice. The services provided depend on a student's needs and circumstances, including location of study.

Guides on wellbeing and mental health

  1. Academic changes and other situations you should discuss with your School

    Understand what changes and circumstances should be discussed with your School, and how to contact your School

  2. Access period products and advice about sexual and reproductive health

    Learn where to find free products and tests at the University.

  3. Advice for students about self-esteem and confidence

    Learn about self-esteem and confidence and the help available for students facing self-confidence issues.

  4. Advice for students feeling lonely or homesick

    Meeting new people and feeling at home at university.

  5. Advice to help students stay motivated during their studies

    Learn how setting realistic goals can keep you motivated.

  6. Being a student’s nominated emergency contact

    Learn about your responsibilities and the support available if you are chosen to be a student’s emergency contact.

  7. Book a coaching appointment with Student Services

    Understand what coaching support the University of 91果冻视频 offers students and how to book an appointment

  8. Book a counselling appointment with Student Services

    Understand what counselling services the University offers students and how to book an appointment.

  9. Building healthy relationships at university

    Learn how to find and enjoy friendships at university and what help is available if relationships become unhealthy.

  10. Coping with exam anxiety

    Advice on how to deal with exam anxiety and where to get more help.

  11. Different forms of addiction and the help available for students

    Examples of different areas of addiction, information about how the University can help students and the external support available.

  12. Affects of stress on students and resources to help

    Learn about the symptoms of stress and how to reduce it.

  13. Experiencing and coping with anxiety

    Learn about anxiety and the help available for students.

  14. Experiencing loss and bereavement while at university

    The support available for students experiencing the loss of a loved one.

  15. Find a coach, therapist or counsellor who is registered with a professional organisation

    Understand how to find a coach, therapist or counsellor who is registered with a professional organisation in the UK

  16. Help for students to manage anger

    Learn about different forms of anger and methods to manage them.

  17. How perfectionism can impact students and what help is available

    Learn how to stop your own high standards from holding you back.

  18. How Student Services can support your wellbeing

    Understand how Student Services can help you with your wellbeing including times when you experience anxiety and stress, and what resources you can access as a University of 91果冻视频 student

  19. Information about mindfulness practices for students

    How to practice mindfulness and the benefits it may offer students at university.

  20. Information about resilience and developing a growth mindset

    Learn how to face the challenges of study, how to build resilience, and where to get help.

  21. Information for students about developing assertiveness

    Learn how to be more assertive and find resources to help.

  22. Information for students about self-harm and the support available

    Managing an urge to self-harm and finding help to develop long-term coping strategies.

  23. Join psychoeducational group therapy

    Learn about the resources, support and social groups for students. We run these groups dynamically and may offer different groups across different semesters.

  24. Managing imposter syndrome

    Learn about imposter syndrome and the help available for students experiencing this issue.

  25. Protect your safety by sharing an emergency contact

    Learn how the University uses emergency contacts to make sure you remain safe and well during your studies.

  26. Recognise and manage procrastination

    Learn about procrastination and the help available for students.

  27. Resources for LGBTQ students

    Learn about resources and support available for LGBTQ+ students at 91果冻视频.

  28. Self-compassion and how this helps student mental health and wellbeing

    Advice on how students can be kinder to and more accepting of themselves and what support is available.

  29. Sexual health at university

    Learn how to help keep yourself and others safe.

  30. Support and resources for students experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs

    Help and information for students about substance misuse.

  31. Support available for students to help improve sleep

    Learn why good sleep is important for your health and studies and what help is available.

  32. Support available for students with eating disorders

    Learn what support is available from the University as well as external organisations to help with eating disorders.

  33. Support for student mental health

    Information about the support available in the University for students with complex mental health problems

  34. Support for students experiencing depression or low mood

    Learn about depression and low mood and the help available for students.

  35. Support for transgender and gender-nonconforming students

    Learn about gender identity and the support available to transgender and gender-nonconforming students.

  36. Time management advice for students

    Learn how to organise your activities to achieve your goals.

  37. What to do if you are worried about a friend or another student

    Find out what you can do and what support is available if you are concerned about a friend’s mental health or wellbeing.

  38. What will happen at your first appointment with Student Services

    What to expect from your first consultation session with Student Services

  39. When to contact the Advice and Support Centre (ASC)

    Understand what kind of help you can get from the Advice and Support Centre (ASC) and how to contact them