Administration A-Z
For more detailed information please see current staff, current postgraduates or current students for a list of resources organised by context and function.
- Academic advising
- Academic Data Team
- Academic intervention
- Academic monitoring
- Academic misconduct
- Academic Schools and Departments
- Accounts payable (making payments)
- Accommodation
- Holiday accommodation (see Accommodation, Conferences and Events)
- Residential and Business Services
- Private accommodation
- Admissions
- Admissions officers resource pages (staff only)
- Advice and Support Centre (ASC)
- Alternative Format Suite (AFS)
- Alumni and supporters (Development)
- Archives (Special Collections)
- Associate Deans
- Bed and breakfast (summer only) (see Accommodation, Conferences and Events)
- Benchmarking (see Planning Office)
- Binding (see Print and Design)
- Booking Upper and Lower College Hall (see Accommodation, Conferences and Events)
- Business continuity (see Planning Office)
- Business Intelligence
- Business transformation
- Business transformation board (BTB)
- Business transformation portfolio (BTP)
- Car parking (see Estates)
- Careers
- Catering (see Residential and Business Services)
- Chaplaincy
- Chemical Hazard Risk Management System for COSHH (CHARM)
- Coaching (see OSDS)
- Computer and IT support
- Conferences
- Confirmation letters
- Consultancy services (see )
- Court and Senate Office
- Crisis management (see Planning Office)
- Cycling (see Sustainable travel)
- Data Governance Team (DGO)
- Data support (see ITS Data support)
- Data Team (see Academic Data Team)
- Data Warehouse (Staff only)
- Associate Deans
- Design (see Print and Design)
- Development
- Digital standards
- Directors of postgraduate studies
- Directors of research
- Directors of teaching
- Online/Part-time
- Education and Student Experience
- Enhancement-led institutional review (ELIR)
- Environmental Health and Safety Services
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Erasmus
- Estates
- Evening language courses
- Events and conferences (see Accommodation, Conferences and Events)
- Examinations (see Registry)
- Exchanges (see Global partnerships and study abroad)
- Exercise (see )
- External relations (see Development)
- Fairtrade (see Food sustainability)
- Fees (tuition)
- Finance
- Fire safety
- Framework agreement
- Freedom of Information
- Funding
- Genealogy (researching family history)
- General Council
- Global partnerships and study abroad
- Grading, reward and conditions
- Graduation
- Heads of Schools
- Heads of units
- Health and safety (see Environmental, Health and Safety Services)
- HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report)
- HERA role analysis
- Human Resources
- ID cards
- Incident reporting (staff)
- Insurance (see Planning Office)
- IT Services
- Facilities Support Officer (FSO) (see Estates - Support services)
- Job evaluation (see Grading, reward and conditions)
- Jobs
- Learning support (see CEED)
- Library
- Lower College Hall, booking (see Accommodation, Conferences and Events)
- Mail room
- Manuscripts (see Special Collections)
- Maths and statistics support (CEED)
- Matriculation
- Mediation
- Messaging
- Mobile telephones
- Module and programme approval
- Module Evaluation Questionnaires
- Muniments (see Special Collections)
- Museums
- North American recruitment (see Admissions)
- Parking
- Pay and grading structure (see Grading, reward and conditions)
- Payroll
- Peer observation
- Pensions (see Human Resources)
- Photographic collection (Special Collections)
- Photographic work (Print and Design)
- Planning Office
- Principal's Medal
- Principal's Office
- Print and Design
- Printing and binding (Print and Design)
- Prizes, awards and medals
- Probation (see Human Resources)
- Procurement Office
- Professional development (see OSDS)
- Publications (Print and Design)
- Rare books collection (Special Collections)
- Records management
- Recruitment (Human Resources)
- Registry
- Research funding support
- Research and Innovation Services
- Residential and Business Services
- Resilience (see Planning Office)
- Risk management (see Planning Office)
- Role analysis - HERA (see Grading, reward and conditions)
- Room booking
- Safety (see Environmental, Health and Safety Services)
- Salaries (Human Resources)
- Scholarships
- Schools
- Self Service
- Semester dates
- Senate Office
- Shop ()
- SITS enquiries (see Academic Data Team)
- Special Collections
- Staff mentoring schemes (OSDS)
- Student accommodation
- Student mentoring schemes (CEED)
- Student records (see Academic Data Team)
- Student recruitment (see Admissions)
- Student Services
- Study abroad
- Study skills (CEED)
- Style guides
- Summer schools and courses
- T4 (TerminalFour) Site Manager
- Technology Transfer Centre
- Telephone directory
- Terms and conditions (for website)
- Timetabling
- Training and development (see OSDS)
- Transcript
- Tuition fees
- University Court (see Court and Senate Office)
- Upper College Hall, booking (see Accommodation, Conferences and Events)